[racket] Planet2 Corrupted PNR Entry
There is for a read-only, git protocol URL. Which is the one I keep
However for Planet2:
Bad: git://github.com/RayRacine/grommet.git/master
Good: git://github.com/RayRacine/grommet/master
The Planet2 documentation is clear on the expected form of the URL.
On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 11:02 AM, Asumu Takikawa <asumu at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On 2013-05-29 10:54:15 -0400, Ray Racine wrote:
> > When creating a package, if one naively cuts and pastes the github URL
> > from their github page and into the Planet2 source field upon
> submittal
> > the entry becomes invalid.* An immediate exception error message is
> > presented about an invalid URL scheme.* The issue is the missing
> branch
> > segment in the URL path.
> >
> > BAD: github://[1]github.com/RayRacine/grip
> > OK: github://[2]github.com/RayRacine/grip/master
> I've been tripped up by this too. I also still don't like that it's
> "github://" since the Github website itself doesn't use any URL like
> that.
> Cheers,
> Asumu
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