[racket] Planet2 Corrupted PNR Entry

From: Ray Racine (ray.racine at gmail.com)
Date: Wed May 29 10:54:15 EDT 2013

Update things for the record.

When creating a package, if one naively cuts and pastes the github URL from
their github page and into the Planet2 source field upon submittal the
entry becomes invalid.  An immediate exception error message is presented
about an invalid URL scheme.  The issue is the missing branch segment in
the URL path.

BAD: github://github.com/RayRacine/grip
OK: github://github.com/RayRacine/grip/master

The first thought is to go to the Manage Packages page, Edit the bogus
package with the intent of deleting the package and starting over.
However, another exception happens, an exact->inexact exception, again
probably because of looking to extract the non-existent checksum numeric
value.  This prevents one from deleting the package.

However, it turns out one can simply start over with "Upload a new package"
and "create" the same package again.  This overwrites the existent entry,
in the sense of a REST/HTTP PUT.   I learned this because, oops, I did it
again.  But it's all fine now.

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 6:02 PM, Ray Racine <ray.racine at gmail.com> wrote:

> Seems I managed to slip a bad source URL into my first Planet2 test
> submittal.  Reasonably sure I have a typo in the Url to github resulting in
> an exception on attempting to determine checksum.
> If someone could blow away the 'grip' package entry I'd be appreciative.
> https://pkg.racket-lang.org/info/grip
> Ray
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