[racket] (no subject)
Hello, can anyone offer an idiom/thinking process/approach critique on my
code below? I'm new to racket and trying to program in racket, not program
python in racket syntax ;)
#lang racket
(require json)
(require net/url)
(define data-set
(let* (
;; Turn url into a net/url-struct so you can allow a different
search query as well as other customizations
;; easily.
[api-url (string->url "
;; figure out how to use call/input url
[in (get-pure-port api-url #:redirections 2)]
[json-blob (read-json in)])
(close-input-port in)
(struct movie (title price link))
(define movies (hash-ref (hash-ref data-set 'feed) 'entry))
(define (make-movie movie-result)
(let* (
[title (hash-ref (hash-ref movie-result 'title) '$t)]
[price (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (exn) 0)])
(hash-ref (car (hash-ref (hash-ref movie-result
'media$group) 'media$price)) 'price))]
[link (hash-ref (car (hash-ref movie-result 'link)) 'href)]
[movie-to-return (movie title price link)])
(define (make-movie-listing movie)
(list (movie-title movie) (movie-price movie) (movie-link movie)))
(define (show-all-movie-listings)
(map make-movie-listing (map make-movie movies)))
(define (get-relevant-movie-listings movie)
;; TODO: Figure out how to pass paramters into a function with map. Maybe
[(string=? (movie-title movie) "Inception") movie]))
;; TODO: Make this into a function after figuring out how to pass
parameters into a function with map.
(define find-movie
(car(map get-relevant-movie-listings (map make-movie movies))))
(define inception-movie find-movie)
(movie-title inception-movie)
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