[racket] order-of-magnitude (was ~r: formatting 0.0 with 'exponential and #:precision)
Attached an order-of-magnitude with optional base argument.
May be you want to replace the current version that I wrote about one or two
years ago.
IIRC Matthew Flatt included it in the math.
File order-of-magnitude.rkt includes a commented out test.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ryan Culpepper [mailto:ryanc at ccs.neu.edu]
> Sent: miércoles, 08 de mayo de 2013 18:58
> To: Jos Koot
> Cc: users at racket-lang.org
> Subject: Re: [racket] ~r: formatting 0.0 with 'exponential
> and #:precision
> Thanks for the report! I've taken your suggestion for ~r's
> order-of-magnitude estimate. (I didn't change the version in
> racket/math, though, but it seems like a reasonable idea to me.)
> Ryan
> snip
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