[racket] Is there a symbol in regexp-match syntax, similar to the period but...
Is there a symbol in regexp-match syntax, similar to the period but... a
representation for all the characters to one side of the pattern?
For example, the period below represents the pattern and a single character
to the right of the pattern 'x':
(regexp-match #rx"x." "12x4x6") ; => '("x4")
The ___ below represents the pattern and all the remaining characters in
the string to the right of the pattern 'x':
(regexp-match #rx"x___" "12x4x6") ; => '("x4x6")
I realize I could place a period for each character I want matched but the
number of characters will vary. I imagine there might be a better way than
creating a function that counts the number of characters and then another
function that creates a regexp-match expression and another function that
runs that function.
Thanks for the advice.
Don Green
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