[racket] TR: struct: #:prefab option
On 2013-05-06 13:39:40 -0400, Asumu Takikawa wrote:
> This actually looks like it's a problem even without #:prefab structs:
> #lang racket/load
> (module foo racket
> (struct foo ([f #:mutable]))
> (define y (foo values))
> (define (mutater) (set-foo-f! y (λ (x) (string->number x))))
> (provide y (struct-out foo) mutater))
> (module bar typed/racket
> (require/typed 'foo
> [#:struct foo ([f : (Float -> Float)])]
> [y foo]
> [mutater (-> Void)])
> (mutater)
> ((foo-f y) 5.3))
Whoops, Vincent pointed out that my claim wasn't quite right. Here, this
is just a type->contract bug, but it would be prevented if the right
contract were applied to `foo-f`.