[racket] Some tips regarding a math/matrix bug?

From: Sam Tobin-Hochstadt (samth at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 25 22:37:44 EDT 2013

On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Daniel King <danking at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> To our problem:
>  - Can someone provide insight as to the pros and cons of compilation (to
>    executable)? Do we lose a significant amount of performance by not compiling
>    (to executable)?

Compilation to executable probably provides roughly the same
performance as not compiling.  It's possible that file i/o or file
layout will change this slightly, but no interesting optimization
happens in the "compile to executable" process.  It's mostly just a
packaging step -- useful when someone like your professor wants an
executable file.

>  - How does compilation to executable compare to byte-code compilation?

The executable will embed the results of byte-code compilation.

>  - Any ideas as to avoiding this issue in the first place? Forcing the compiler
>    to include the necessary dependency?

Add an explicit `require` of the missing dependency in your main file
(the one that you're compiling to an executable), like this:

    (require math/private/array/typed-array-indexing)


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