[racket] 5.3.3, Scribble, (Scriblogify?), Plot, and Google's BlogSpot

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryanc at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 20 14:31:04 EDT 2013

If I change the definition of my-space in your document to just use 
make-base-eval, then it works for me. I suspect the problem is that your 
evaluator's namespace doesn't have file/convertible attached, whereas 
the result of make-base-eval does. I can't explain why it works in 
DrRacket, though.

The unmapped local image warning sounds like a profile problem. Maybe 
the upload album has been renamed, or maybe an authorization token has 
expired. I would recommend recreating the profile and see if that helps.


On 03/20/2013 11:10 AM, Patrick King wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 8:45 PM, Ryan Culpepper <ryanc at ccs.neu.edu
> <mailto:ryanc at ccs.neu.edu>> wrote:
>     Can you provide a small, self-contained test file?
> Yes.
> #lang scribble/manual
> @title{Problems Uploading Scribbled Plots}
> @author{SlowThought}
> @(require racket/sandbox
>            racket/vector
>            scribble/eval)
> @(define my-space(call-with-trusted-sandbox-configuration
>                    (λ()
>                      (make-evaluator 'racket/base
>                                      (sandbox-output 'string)
>                                      (sandbox-error-output 'string)))))
> I am trying to post some examples of @racket{plot} to my blog...
> @(interaction
>    #:eval my-space
>    (require math plot)
>    (plot (function sin (- pi) pi #:label "y = sin(x)")))
> When I use "Scribble HTML" from within DrRacket, the result is exactly
> as you'd expect.
> When I use Scriblogify to upload the post to BlogSpot, the figure
> generated by
> @racket{plot} is replaced by @racket{(object:2d-plot-snip% ...)}.
> If I plot @italic{outside} an interaction,
> @(require math plot)
> @(plot (function cos (- pi) pi #:label "y = cos(x)"))
> then things again work as expected locally. When uploading, I get...
> @codeblock{C:...\Blog>raco scriblogify -p MyBlog "debug-plot.scrbl"
>             Warning: unmapped local image: "pict.png"}
> This suggests a problem with my profile settings, although I have
> intermittently
> gotten images to automatically upload. It's not terribly hard to manually
> upload them (for that matter, I could manually edit the @racket{interaction}
> from within Blogspot), but things are @italic{so} close to being seamless!
> Note that while the above renders perfectly via "Scribble HTML", if I
> attempt to
> scriblogify without commenting out one of the plot commands,
> raco barfs up the following...
> @codeblock{ C:...\Blog>raco scriblogify -p MyBlog "debug-plot.scrbl"
>             cannot instantiate `racket/gui/base' a second time in the
> same process
>             context...:
>             C:\Program
> Files\Racket\collects\mred\private\wx\common\once.rkt: [running body]
>             C:\Program
> Files\Racket\collects\mred\private\wx\common\utils.rkt: [traversing imports]
>             C:\Program
> Files\Racket\collects\mred\private\wx\win32\wndclass.rkt: [traversing
> imports]
>             C:\Program
> Files\Racket\collects\mred\private\wx\win32\init.rkt: [traversing imports]
>             C:\Program
> Files\Racket\collects\mred\private\wx\win32\platform.rkt: [traversing
> imports]
>             C:\Program
> Files\Racket\collects\mred\private\wx\platform.rkt: [running body]
>             C:\Program Files\Racket\collects\mred\private\kernel.rkt:
> [traversing imports]}
> Looking over the above, I withdraw my 5.3.3 complaint. The intermittent
> image upload problem may be
> a profile problem of mine. Scriblogify's balking at plots both inside
> and outside an interaction is a
> new (to me) quirk.
> As always, thanks to the community for all your help.
> @; End of "debug-plot.scrbl"

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