[racket] Formatting reals
suppose I want to format a real number, with a fixed number of digits
after the comma, rigth-padded in a given width, and I want the sign to
be attached to the digits (i.e. not what ~r does).
This is the usual way of printing reals in a table, and can be done
trivially using standard functions in any other language I can think
In scheme it can be done using srfi/48.
Yet I could find no way of doing this easily using Racket libraries.
Am I missing something?
I want the following:
> (require srfi/48)
> (format "~12,6F" (- pi))
" -3.141593"
The best I could do is:
> (~a (~r (- pi) #:precision 6) #:width 12 #:align 'right)
" -3.141593"
which is a PITA.
(I have used srfi/48 till now, but I was trying to convert to Racket
libraries in an attempt to reduce bloat.)