[racket] FFI Pointing to racket objects
I am forking an FFI library for physics simulation on Github
(https://github.com/samvv/Rhipmunk-Physics) but I got stuck with storing
racket objects in the library's native structs. From the library's website:
e/group__cp_body.html. Here's the part of the code that needs to be changed:
(define _cpDataPointer _racket)
(define-cstruct _cpBody
[data _cpDataPointer] ; user-defined data, like a game object
In the following test everything seems to work as expected:
(define body1 (cpBodyNew 1.0 1.0))
(set-cpBody-data! body1 "This is a test")
(display (cpBody-data body1))
> "This is a test"
(set-cpBody-data! body1 (cons 1 2))
(display (cpBody-data body1))
> (1 . 2)
However, when I run the following code:
(display (cpBody-data body1))
Something goes wrong internally. Sometimes DrRacket crashes, sometimes it
returns values like #<bad-value>. I have looked into (malloc-immobile-cell
v) and (free-immobile-cell cptr) but I am not sure that fiddling with the
memory is such a good idea. Could you please give me any guidelines or point
me to a procedure I can use to provide this functionality?
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