[racket] Submodule reloaded when entering file module

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 27 10:19:47 EDT 2013

Yes, that's as intended.

Reloading the file redeclares the submodule, and when an instantiated
module (or submodule) is redeclared, then its body is reevaluated.

I'm not sure the behavior is desirable, but I also don't how different
behavior could be arranged.

At Tue, 25 Jun 2013 06:48:28 -0300, Diogo F. S. Ramos wrote:
> When entering a file from a submodule inside this file, the submodule
> seems to be evaluated again. Is this the intended behavior?
> Here are the steps to reproduce it:
> 1. Create a file with a submodule inside it
> 2. Enter file
> 3. Enter submodule
> 4. Change the file and save it
> 5. Enter the file
> Here is a example program:
> #lang racket/base
> (module my-submodule racket/base
>   (displayln "inside my-submodule"))
> And here is the interaction with this file:
> $ racket
> Welcome to Racket v5.3.4.
> > (enter! "foo.rkt")
> > (enter! (submod "foo.rkt" my-submodule))
> inside my-submodule
> > (enter! "foo.rkt")
>   [re-loading /tmp/foo.rkt]
> inside my-submodule
> > 
> As one can see, the message "inside my-submodule" is printed again when
> entering "foo.rkt".
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