[racket] examples of parsing XML with match?

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 25 09:14:30 EDT 2013

On Jun 24, 2013, at 9:52 PM, Matthew Butterick wrote:

> I've seen this technique recommended numerous times. Would anyone have a link to an idiomatic example of the technique in use? Thank you.
> ____________________
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Your question is somewhat generic. So here is a generic answer: 

#lang racket

(require xml)

(module+ test
  (require rackunit))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; recognizing an XML that belongs to a grammar 

;; E = <plus>E E</plus> | <number value=String />

(define (ex i) (format "<number value =\"~a\" />" i))
(define (ex2 i j) (string-append "<plus>" (ex i) (ex j) "</plus>"))

;; String -> Boolean 
;; does E produce e? 

(module+ test
  (check-true (parse (ex2 5 42)))
  (check-false (parse (ex "hello world")))
  (check-false (parse (ex2 5 "hello world"))))

(define (parse e:str)
  (define e:xml (read-xml/element (open-input-string e:str)))
  (define e:xexpr (xml->xexpr e:xml))
  (let parse ((e e:xexpr))
    (match e
      [`(number ((value ,v))) (number? (string->number v))]
      [`(plus () ,e1 ,e2) (and (parse e1) (parse e2))]
      [else #f])))

;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; creating a parse tree for a valid XML 

;; A = Number | (list '+ Number Number)

;; String -> [maybe/c A]
;; does E produce e? if so, create an a, otherwise #f

(module+ test
  (check-equal? (parse-to (ex2 5 42)) '(+ 5 42))
  (check-false (parse-to (ex "hello world")))
  (check-false (parse-to (ex2 5 "hello world"))))

(define (parse-to e:str)
  (define e:xml (read-xml/element (open-input-string e:str)))
  (define e:xexpr (xml->xexpr e:xml))
  (let parse ((e e:xexpr))
    (match e
      [`(number ((value ,v))) 
       (define x (string->number v))
       (if (number? x) x #f)]
      [`(plus () ,e1 ,e2) 
       (define p1 (parse e1))
         [(boolean? p1) #f]
         [else (define p2 (parse e2))
               (and p2 `(+ ,p1 ,p2))])]
      [else #f])))

I have not include exception handling for invalid and/or incomplete XML strings. 
I have also skipped treatment of white space. 

I tend to create macros with which I can specify X-expression grammars 
so that I can easily write down parsers and unparsers. That way I don't 
ever see match in real code: 

(define (state-writer s)
  (state->xexpr s))

(define state-parser 
  (xml-parser (state () (b board-parser) (p player-parser) ... #:action (*create-state b p))))

(module+ test 
  (check-equal? (state-parser (state-writer s0)) s0)
  (check-equal? (state-parser (state-writer s1)) s1))

These are from a recent game. The tests ensure that the two functions are compatible. 

-- Matthias

Posted on the users mailing list.