[racket] Modules and File Save Bug?
I'm not seeing that behavior (that is a bug, tho). I tried these steps:
1) cmd-t to create a new tab in DrRacket.
2) paste the expression above (there is an automatic "#lang racket"
3) save the file.
4) delete the above expression
5) hit run.
No output observed.
Were you doing something differently?
On Sat, Jun 22, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Sean Kanaley <skanaley at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't use modules very much, so this could be the defined behavior
> similar to how the ffi module "secretly" (it's actually documented) doesn't
> reload foreign libraries unless DrRacket is restarted, but I didn't notice
> anything in the documentation. How to reproduce:
> (module+ test
> (write "?"))
> Without even running it, save the file, then delete that expression. Now
> run it (as in ctrl+r), and it will write "?".
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