[racket] Adding new Rosetta tasks

From: Sean Kanaley (skanaley at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jun 12 13:28:47 EDT 2013

Welllllll that one might be cheating :)

On 06/12/2013 05:25 AM, Tim Brown wrote:
> Task: Load and Use a Package from PLaneT
> :-)
> On 10/06/13 23:08, Sean Kanaley wrote:
>> What would be the best task to show off Racket's advantages intrinsic to
>> the language and less to library support?  It would have to somehow 
>> abuse
>> hygienic macros I suppose--some kind of task like embedding a DSL, so 
>> what
>> would be a good one?  Maybe something with graphics to show off 
>> functional
>> composition of pictures--perhaps the task could be to recreate IRL
>> (imperative robot language)...the state machine with the robot from the
>> Haskell book The Haskell School of Expression.  Other ideas are 
>> welcome...
>> On 06/10/2013 04:17 PM, Daniel Prager wrote:
>>> Sean wrote:
>>> > Also, Racket is one short of Python in popularity. If
>>> > someone could do two more we'll defeat those lazy Python
>>> > programmers, probably with less work!
>>> Also, you can add your new tasks, which opens up another strategy for
>>> advancing the Racket ranking.
>>> Guidelines on new task creation:
>>> http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Rosetta_Code:Add_a_Task
>>> I added my first last night
>>> --http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Deming%27s_Funnel -- together with a 
>>> Racket
>>> solution, shortly followed by a contributed Python approximation (so 
>>> the
>>> Pythonistas aren't totally lazy!) while still in draft.
>>> -- Dan

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