[racket] Beginner problem
Ah, sorry. If you've already set up DrRacket to use the student
languages, you need to undo that to do the "Quick" tutorial."
You'll need to go back to the Language -> Choose Language... menu and
select the Racket language.
On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 11:04 PM, Jon Zeppieri <zeppieri at gmail.com> wrote:
> That's what DrRacket responds with if you put a #lang line in the
> interactions (lower) window. You need to put it in the definitions
> (upper) window.
> On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 10:58 PM, Steve Lett <steve.lett777 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks. I just did that and there's another error message. It reads "read:
>> #lang not enabled in the current context"
>> On Jun 9, 2013 12:35 PM, "Jon Zeppieri" <zeppieri at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Did you follow the instructions in the part labeled "2 Set..."? You
>>> need to put "#lang slideshow" at the top of your definitions window
>>> (replacing any #lang line that might already be there), and you need
>>> to press "Run" after doing that.
>>> On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 10:26 PM, Steve Lett <steve.lett777 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hi
>>> > I am a beginner programmer and just came across Racket this week when I
>>> > was
>>> > on the Coursera website. I found the course called Intro to Systematic
>>> > Program Design. I am trying to use Stephen Bloch's Picturing Programs.
>>> > But
>>> > my first attempt was using Quick-An Introduction to Racket with
>>> > Pictures.
>>> > Typing 5 I got 5. Typing "art gallery" I got "art gallery". But when I
>>> > typed
>>> > (circle 10) I got an error message "circle: this function is not
>>> > defined".
>>> >
>>> > If I need a library there is a problem. My only internet conection is on
>>> > the
>>> > Android platform on a Galaxy Tab. So I have downloaded the DrRacket
>>> > software
>>> > and transferred it to my Windows Vista Laptop. I also have an XP desktop
>>> > if
>>> > I need it.
>>> >
>>> > So how can I get (circle 10) to work?
>>> >
>>> > Thank you for being there! It really means alot! Steve Lett
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > ____________________
>>> > Racket Users list:
>>> > http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
>>> >