[racket] Racket 5.3.4, 32-bit slow?

From: Joe Gilray (jgilray at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jun 4 13:59:01 EDT 2013

The following code runs in reasonable time (about 5s) on 64-bit 5.3.4, but
takes about 20x as long on 32-bit.  I adapted this code from some scheme
code on the PE forum.  Thoughts?


(define (euler210)
  (define limit (expt 10 8))
  (define ldiv4 (quotient limit 4))
  (define ldiv8 (quotient limit 8))
  (define ldiv8xrad2 (inexact->exact (floor (* ldiv8 (sqrt 2)))))
  (define sqrldiv8x2 (* ldiv8 ldiv8 2))
   (* 3 (* limit (/ limit 2)))  ; rectangular regions
   (- (* ldiv4 (add1 ldiv4)) 2)
   (* 8
      (let loop ([x (add1 ldiv8)] [sum 0])  ; 1/8 of circle points (outside
of inner square)
        (if (< ldiv8xrad2 x) sum
            (let* ([y (sqrt (- sqrldiv8x2 (* x x)))] [ymax (inexact->exact
(floor (if (integer? y) (- y 1) y)))])
              (loop (add1 x) (+ sum ymax))))))
   (* 4 (- ldiv8xrad2 ldiv8))))
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