[racket] Processing and Racket

From: Stephen De Gabrielle (stephen.degabrielle at acm.org)
Date: Mon Jun 3 20:26:54 EDT 2013

I can't let this thread pass without mentioning Fluxus

Stephen De Gabrielle <http://www.degabrielle.name/stephen>

On Mon, Jun 3, 2013 at 11:03 PM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>wrote:

> On Jun 3, 2013, at 5:45 PM, Philipp Dikmann wrote:
> but when the problem is always simply 'reproduce this image', a single
> language still allows multiple interesting ways of thinking about it (esp.
> considering the idea of 'language' in the Racket context :P), and even
> better: demonstrate, graphically, what that particular way of thinking
> entails (e.g. like the 'experimental translations' of the Recode Project).
> This suggests an interesting comparative programming project. Within
> Racket you can easily show off a range of programming style for just this
> "produce this image" special-purpose domain:
>  -- images from the teaching languags
>  -- slideshow
>  -- the raw graphics box underneath it all
> and in each case, we can show off a functional and an OO approach. Indeed,
> we might even be able to show off a CONSTRAINT programming approach (make
> an image that satisfies the following constraints).
> - One last thing: In my experience, errors are more plentiful in
> Processing, because keeping track of state gets difficult. However, in an
> artistic / experimental setting, errors can be very productive. I've had
> considerably less 'happy accidents' in Racket, because there are very few
> accidents at all; 'breaking things' must be done more purposeful. I
> understand this is the result of continued efforts to make reasoning about
> Racket programs as effortless as possible, so hats off to that :)
> Thanks. Errors have been a key focus of the project from its conception.
> -- Matthias
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