[racket] Compile-time evaluation

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryanc at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Tue Jul 30 00:40:07 EDT 2013

I don't think read-time computation is the right approach for Racket. 
Here's a compile/expand-time alternative that lets you use unsyntax as a 
compile-time escape.

(require (for-syntax racket/syntax))

(define-syntax (with-compile-time-unsyntax stx)
   (syntax-case stx ()
     [(wctu form ...)
       (syntax-local-eval #'(quasisyntax (begin form ...))))]))

Here's an example use:

   (define the-symbol 'apple))

  (define (f x)
    (case x
      ((#,the-symbol) 'yes)
      (else 'no))))

(f 'apple)  ;; => 'yes
(f 'pear)   ;; => 'no

If you wanted, you could make a custom language (see #%module-begin) 
that implicitly wrapped the whole module body with 
with-compile-time-unsyntax automatically.

You might find it difficult to use quasisyntax and unsyntax within such 
a module. I haven't tried it or thought through how it would interact 
with quasisyntax "levels". You could of course implement your own 
quasisyntax-like form with a different escape binding.


On 07/29/2013 10:07 PM, Roman Klochkov wrote:
> Yes. Really it is read-time.
> In CL every top level expression read-compile-load or simply load if it
> is compiled.
> So in Racket would be natural to have (for-syntax ...) environment in #.
> I hope, that Racket also read toplevel form, loads it, then reads next
> (not reads all at once, then load first form , second form and so on).
> Can you invent such read-macro?
> Понедельник, 29 июля 2013, 21:44 -04:00 от Sam Tobin-Hochstadt
> <samth at ccs.neu.edu>:
>     On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 1:53 PM, Vincent St-Amour
>     <stamourv at ccs.neu.edu
>     <https://e.mail.ru/messages/sentmsg?compose&To=stamourv@ccs.neu.edu>> wrote:
>      > Here's a quick solution:
>      >
>      > #lang racket
>      >
>      > (define-syntax-rule (hash-dot e)
>      > (let-syntax ([computed-e (lambda (stx) (datum->syntax #'e e))])
>      > (computed-e)))
>      >
>      > (hash-dot (+ 2 3))
>      >
>     In CL, #. is read-time, not compile-time, evaluation, so this isn't
>     quite the same. It would be easy to create a read-table that enabled
>     this, though. You'd have to make some decision about what environment
>     the read-time expression sees -- I don't know what CL does here.
>     Sam
> --
> Roman Klochkov
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