[racket] OpenGL libraries, old vs. new
On this page <http://docs.racket-lang.org/sgl/main.html> I see syntax
like this:
(require sgl sgl/gl-vectors)
(gl-begin 'triangles)
(gl-vertex 1 2 3)
However, in the file collects/sgl/examples/alpha.rkt the syntax is more
like this:
(glBegin GL_QUADS)
(glNormal3d 0 0 1)
(glTexCoord2i 0 0)
(glVertex3i -1 -1 1)
Which syntax style should I use? Is the first one the newest?
Is there some glut library available? I'd like to do things like
(glutSolidCube 1.0) and (glutWireCube 1.0).