[racket] Profiling help
Is it possible that the time is being spent in the expander or in other
C-based code that would be hidden from the profiler?
On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Joe Gibbs Politz <joe at cs.brown.edu> wrote:
> We're trying to profile some slow running programs in a #lang, and
> having some trouble getting believable results from the profiler. In
> particular, it claims that most (e.g. 60-80%) of the time is spent in
> /usr/lib/racket/collects/profile/main.rkt:29:2
> We've tried on up to 15-20 second runs of programs, and get the same
> result. We've tried making delay shorter (down to 0.01), and turned
> on #:threads. We've also tried setting
> (compile-context-preservation-enabled) to #t, and (eval-jit-enabled)
> to #f, and gotten roughly the same results. Do we need to be running
> for minutes or hours? Does the profiler interact badly with `eval`?
> We do see *some* calls to the runtime of the language, so they are
> recognized, but the time is clearly not being spent all at the top
> level of the profiler.
> Our test script is essentially:
> (time (profile-thunk (lambda ()
> (eval-in-our-lang (file->string "some-file"))))
> Some sample output is below. We're confident that, for example, our
> implementation of `extend` is called quite often (and is attributed
> 12% of top-of-stack time), but I don't know if I should believe that
> proportion with respect to the other functions. Any thoughts on where
> that 76% of time is actually spent? Note that about 1/3 of the time
> is spent in GC, so maybe that is affecting the times that things are
> sampled?
> $ racket benchmarks.rkt
> Running list-creation
> Profiling results
> -----------------
> Total cpu time observed: 15004ms (out of 15212ms)
> Number of samples taken: 568 (once every 26ms)
> =============================================================
> Caller
> Idx Total Self Name+src Local%
> ms(pct) ms(pct) Callee
> =============================================================
> [1] 15004(100.0%) 0(0.0%) [running body]
> ...ang/src/tests/benchmarks.rkt:##f
> run-tests14 [4] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> map/stx [19] 100.0%
> [2] 26(0.2%) 0(0.0%) temp155 (unknown source)
> parse-block [18] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> map/stx [19] 100.0%
> [3] 14(0.1%) 0(0.0%) parse-case-branch
> ...ang/src/lang/parser.rkt:219:0
> parse-block [18] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> [running body] [1] 100.0%
> [4] 15004(100.0%) 0(0.0%) run-tests14
> ...collects/rackunit/text-ui.rkt:243:0
> apply-test-suite [5] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> run-tests14 [4] 100.0%
> [5] 15004(100.0%) 0(0.0%) apply-test-suite
> ...it/private/test-suite.rkt:60:0
> the-tests [6] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> apply-test-suite [5] 100.0%
> [6] 15004(100.0%) 0(0.0%) the-tests (unknown source)
> profile-thunk12 [7] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> the-tests [6] 100.0%
> [7] 15004(100.0%) 0(0.0%) profile-thunk12
> ...t/collects/profile/main.rkt:9:0
> run [8] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> profile-thunk12 [7] 100.0%
> [8] 15004(100.0%) 11402(76.0%) run
> /usr/lib/racket/collects/profile/main.rkt:29:2
> extend [9] 12.8%
> add-brand [10] 4.2%
> string-map-ref5 [14] 4.1%
> get-raw-field [11] 2.5%
> eval-pyret/check [12] 0.2%
> get-field [13] 0.2%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> run [8] 100.0%
> [9] 1926(12.8%) 1798(12.0%) extend
> ...ts/pyret-lang/src/lang/runtime.rkt:545:0
> foldr [15] 6.6%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> run [8] 100.0%
> [10] 636(4.2%) 636(4.2%) add-brand
> ...pyret-lang/src/lang/runtime.rkt:524:0
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> run [8] 100.0%
> [11] 372(2.5%) 372(2.5%) get-raw-field
> ...t-lang/src/lang/runtime.rkt:439:0
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> run [8] 100.0%
> [12] 26(0.2%) 0(0.0%) eval-pyret/check
> .../src/tests/test-utils.rkt:60:0
> pyret->racket7 [16] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> run [8] 100.0%
> [13] 24(0.2%) 0(0.0%) get-field
> ...pyret-lang/src/lang/runtime.rkt:445:0
> string-map-ref5 [14] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> get-field [13] 3.7%
> run [8] 96.3%
> [14] 642(4.3%) 642(4.3%) string-map-ref5
> ...ang/src/lang/string-map.rkt:8:0
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> extend [9] 100.0%
> [15] 128(0.9%) 128(0.9%) foldr
> ...ong/whalesong/lang/private/list.rkt:251:2
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> eval-pyret/check [12]100.0%
> [16] 26(0.2%) 0(0.0%) pyret->racket7
> ...yret-lang/src/lang/eval.rkt:34:0
> parse-program [17] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> pyret->racket7 [16] 100.0%
> [17] 26(0.2%) 0(0.0%) parse-program
> ...ret-lang/src/lang/parser.rkt:33:0
> parse-block [18] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> parse-case-branch [3] 17.9%
> temp155 [2] 41.0%
> parse-program [17] 41.0%
> [18] 26(0.2%) 0(0.0%) parse-block
> ...pyret-lang/src/lang/parser.rkt:56:0
> map/stx [19] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> map/stx [19] 10.8%
> temp733 [21] 10.8%
> parse-block [18] 78.5%
> [19] 26(0.2%) 0(0.0%) map/stx
> ...uts/pyret-lang/src/lang/parser.rkt:28:0
> temp155 [2] 33.8%
> temp152 [22] 23.1%
> temp733 [21] 10.8%
> map/stx [19] 10.8%
> parse-case-branch [3] 10.8%
> temp596 [20] 10.8%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> map/stx [19] 100.0%
> [20] 14(0.1%) 0(0.0%) temp596 (unknown source)
> dots-loop [23] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> map/stx [19] 100.0%
> [21] 14(0.1%) 0(0.0%) temp733 (unknown source)
> map/stx [19] 100.0%
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> map/stx [19] 100.0%
> [22] 12(0.1%) 12(0.1%) temp152 (unknown source)
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> temp596 [20] 100.0%
> [23] 14(0.1%) 14(0.1%) dots-loop (unknown source)
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> cpu time: 15228 real time: 15247 gc time: 5208
> ____________________
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