[racket] Finding files

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hashcollision.org)
Date: Thu Jan 31 17:33:52 EST 2013

> There are images in the conversation as i make guesses but I will paste it
> from DrRacket's
> interactions window to here (serve.rkt is in a directory "C:\indexing" which
> is in the PATH environment
> variable):

Ah, wonderful!  This helps enormously.

Ok, so I see that you're on Windows, and that you're doing these
interactions through DrRacket.

Note that the Systems Guide is done in the perspective of someone
who'se _not_ in DrRacket, so some of the confusion is due to that.  In
your case, I would _strongly_ recommend ignoring the guide's request
to use enter!, xrepl, readline, etc.

Instead, just open serve.rkt in DrRacket, and Run it.

As you modify serve.rkt, just Run the program again when the guide
prompts you to use enter!

For example, when the systems guide says something like:

    > (enter! "serve.rkt")
     [re-loading serve.rkt]
    > (serve 8080)

at this point, press the Run button in DrRacket, and then execute the
following command in the Interactions window:

    (serve 8080)

Let us know if this helps.

Posted on the users mailing list.