[racket] confusing behaviour of managed-compile-zo
When compiling with managed-compile-zo, manager-compile-notify-handler and
manager-trace-handler, I see that parts of the racket directory are
(re)compiled, for example:
TRACE: compiling: C:\Program Files
Thìs even happens again when compiling again without modifying anything. Is
this expected behaviour?
I do this with Window 7 Home Premium. Another odd thing is that sometimes
after installing new nightly build, DrRacket does not have all required
permissions in its collects directory. I sometimes have to grant these
permissions via the properties of the directory.
Thanks Jos.
I compile from DrRacket with the following:
#lang racket
(require compiler/cm)
(manager-compile-notify-handler (λ (str) (printf "NOTIFY: ~a~n~n" str)))
(manager-trace-handler (λ (str) (printf "TRACE: ~a~n~n" str)))
(managed-compile-zo "my-program.rkt")
(managed-compile-zo "my-other-program.rkt")
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