[racket] raco exe difficutly with Release 5.3.1 & stateless web server

From: Galler (lzgaller at optonline.net)
Date: Tue Jan 29 14:00:46 EST 2013

Preliminary Solution:

I will send more info in more detail when I've got a test case,  also I 
need to test against 5.3.1 (works on 5.3) but:

1) The cause of the flomap  exception was a user-code dependency on the 
racket library stepper.rkt in a #lang web server module, complied under 
raco exe

2) The dependency arose through a (require macro-debugger/stepper) in 
multiple #lang racket sub-modules, again within user-code

3) this particular dependency was completely unneccessary for production 
code, and was eliminated by the user.

I believe my problem is of limited general interest and does not 
demonstrate any significant flaws in Racket 5.3.1.

I'll send along test case, in the interim, thanks for all the 

The discussion was invaluable.

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