[racket] scribble/lp and module+

From: Tim Brown (tim.brown at cityc.co.uk)
Date: Tue Jan 29 05:45:11 EST 2013


I am trying to write a module with scribble/lp, which contains its own
unit tests (for "raco test").

;;----- main.rkt
#lang scribble/lp
@chunk[<*> (module+ test (require rackunit))]
;;----- FIN

Running this, however gives:
$ racket -t main.rkt
main.rkt:2:11: #%module-begin: bad syntax
   in: (#%module-begin (#%require rackunit))

Does scribble/lp build modules that behave like typical racket modules?
Or is there something different happening. I note that the scribble/lp
docs don't talk about modules; rather the language used is in terms of

> When running the program, all of the chunk expressions are collected and
> stitched together into a program

What is the situation here?



Tim Brown <tim.brown at cityc.co.uk>  | City Computing Limited            |
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