[racket] raco exe difficutly with Release 5.3.1 & stateless web server

From: Galler (lzgaller at optonline.net)
Date: Mon Jan 28 09:51:49 EST 2013

Thanks very much. I'll look it up.

On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Jay McCarthy wrote:

> Ah, I remember seeing a problem report about this go by. The email
> thread is named:
> "[racket] regression in raco exe or raco distribute in 5.3.1 ?"
> and has a work around, plus a fix is in the next release.
> Jay
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 7:46 AM, Galler <lzgaller at optonline.net> 
> wrote:
>> Jay, Thanks.
>>  Here's the result run under Racket 5.3.1 with windows XP SP3
>> I wasn't aware of the windows command line trick. Thanks for 
>> suggestion.
>> C:\SOURCE\Simplest RACO FAILURE>simplest-raco-failure.exe
>> standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found
>>   collection: "racket/match"
>>   in collection directories:
>>   context...:
>>    standard-module-name-resolver
>>    #%embedded:g3268:mime-types: [running body]
>>    #%embedded:g3005:servlet-env: [traversing imports]
>>    #%embedded:g2982:serve: [traversing imports]
>>    #%embedded:g2849:dispatch: [traversing imports]
>>    #%embedded:g139:lang: [traversing imports]
>>    #%mzc:simplest-raco-failure: [traversing imports]
>>    loop
>> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:30 AM, Jay McCarthy wrote:
>>> It would be very helpful to run the exe from the Windows command 
>>> line
>>> and send me the output. My guess is that it opens, displays an 
>>> error,
>>> and then closes. If you ran from the shell, you'd be able read the
>>> error. My guess is that the error will say that some file can't be
>>> opened that is part of the configuration of the Web server and I
>>> haven't properly communicated its need to the exe builder.
>>> Jay
>>> On Sat, Jan 26, 2013 at 10:02 PM, Galler <lzgaller at optonline.net> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I encountered difficulty compiling a #lang web server application 
>>>> after
>>>> upgrading to v.5.3.1 from v5.3 last night. O/S is WinXP service 
>>>> pack 3
>>>> The executable would compile into an .exe file.
>>>> But when run,  a console window would briefly open then close.
>>>> The program did not execute.
>>>> I was able to reproduce the bad behavior with the following minimal
>>>> source
>>>> code, and the following raco script, which appear below.
>>>> I further note that the minimal program can be successfully run in
>>>> DrRacket,
>>>> and can be compiled and run *without* encountering the problem by 
>>>> adding
>>>> the
>>>> -l launcher flag to the raco script. Successful execution results 
>>>> in a
>>>> browser window opening with 'hello world' appearing in the loaded
>>>> document.
>>>> Any guidance would be sincerely appreciated.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Zack
>>>> raco exe simplest-raco-failure.rkt
>>>> #lang web-server
>>>> (require  web-server/servlet-env)
>>>> (define (start request)
>>>>   (let ((response-generator (λ (make-url)
>>>>                               (response/xexpr `(html (head )
>>>>                                                      (body "hello
>>>> world"))))))
>>>>     (send/suspend/dispatch response-generator)))
>>>> (serve/servlet start
>>>>                #:stateless? #t
>>>>                #:launch-browser? #t
>>>>                #:connection-close? #t
>>>>                #:quit? #f
>>>>                #:listen-ip #f
>>>>                #:port 8000
>>>>                #:servlet-path "/")
>>>> ____________________
>>>>  Racket Users list:
>>>>  http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
>>> --
>>> Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
>>> Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
>>> http://faculty.cs.byu.edu/~jay
>>> "The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93
> -- 
> Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
> Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
> http://faculty.cs.byu.edu/~jay
> "The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93

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