[racket] define-match-expander and embedded racket

From: Tim Brown (tim.brown at cityc.co.uk)
Date: Fri Jan 25 12:18:15 EST 2013

I looked a bit further down the page to "3m embedding".
That requires the code you're suggesting. So there's no
confusion, I'm trying to embed the CGC version of racket
into my C program.

I also found a "racocgc" in my installation (previously I was
using the 3m version with a --cgc switch). I tried using that,
but to no avail.


On 25/01/13 17:13, Tim Brown wrote:
> On 25/01/13 17:04, Matthew Flatt wrote:
>> I wasn't able to replicate the error that you get, but I notice that
>> your C code doesn't cooperate with the GC.
> I'm following the recipe in "1.5.1 CGC Embedding" in
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/inside/overview.html?q=embedding#%28part._embedding%29
> I use scheme_main_setup. Isn't that meant to get me playing nice with the
> GC?
>> Does it change anything if, in trampoline_main(), you add
>>      MZ_GC_DECL_REG(1);
>>      MZ_GC_VAR_IN_REG(0, e);
>>      MZ_GC_REG();
>> at the start and
>>    MZ_GC_UNREG();
>> before returning?
> That change has no effect, I'm afraid.
> Tim

Tim Brown <tim.brown at cityc.co.uk>  | City Computing Limited            |
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