[racket] [ANN] Geiser 0.3 released

From: Jose A. Ortega Ruiz (jao at gnu.org)
Date: Sat Jan 19 14:23:12 EST 2013

I've just released version 0.3 of Geiser (http://geiser.nongnu.org ), an
Emacs package to interact and program with Racket and Guile.

  New features:

   - TAB in a string context in the REPL and Scheme buffers triggers
     filename completion.
   - User manual lookup command (C-c C-d i) available also in the
   - New REPL command, geiser-repl-clear-buffer (C-c M-o), to remove
     all scheme output (thanks to Jonas Rodrigues).
   - Indentation of scheme forms improved..

  Bug fixes:

   - Racket: fixes for problems entering modules sans main.rkt.
   - Racket: image support in Windows fixed.

Always have a vision. Why spend your life making other people’s dreams?
 -Orson Welles (1915-1985)

Posted on the users mailing list.