[racket] variables within macros

From: Tim Brown (tim.brown at cityc.co.uk)
Date: Sat Jan 19 14:01:00 EST 2013

Excuse me everyone, I'm sending this so I can pin responses from
another, recently-subscribed-to-the-list account.


On 01/19/2013 06:31 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
> Let's take a step at a time. Don't lose patience. It will help
> you get where you want to be, and it may help us figure out how
> to do better with this aspect of Racket, which is by far its most
> innovative part and unrivaled in the world of PLs.
> On Jan 18, 2013, at 12:36 PM, Tim Brown wrote:
>> On 18/01/13 15:54, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>>> Is there a single stumbling block or do you feel overwhelmed by
>>> the broad API to the syntax system? -- Matthias
>> It's a combination of the two...
>> My single stumbling block is "binding" identifiers -- I'm never sure if
>> I'm going to end up with an identifier referencing the same value/entity/
>> thing.
> Like Scheme, Racket supports hygienic syntax extensions. What this
> means is that -- in principle -- you should rarely, if ever, worry
> about binding issues. Most of the time, they should just work.
>> A concrete example is that I am trying to write a #lang language.
> Honestly, I would never ever try to write a #lang first.
> That's more than most people want.
> The syntax system has two distinct roles (and possibly more):
> 1. extend the Racket language so that developers don't have to
> repeat themselves all the time. This is about syntactic abstraction.
> You can also think of this step as extending the language.
> Abstracting over common syntactic patterns is usually a matter of
> writing a syntactic extension with one of several tools (syntax rules,
> syntax cases, syntax parse) and -- on some occasions -- to deposit
> additional definitions at the module level. That's about it.
> 2. create entirely new languages. To so so, Racket enables you
> to start from an existing language and
>   -- to add constructs
>   -- to subtract constructs
>   -- to rewrite modules non-locally
>   -- to expand an existing module for further analysis
> Some of these objectives are achieved with syntactic abstractions;
> for others you really need some of the additional features of the API.
>> This is a bit of a big bite to have taken out of the macro system, but I
>> have to start non-triviality somewhere. Equally, though extending the
>> language is something that Racket encourages; and as far as I can tell,
>> this is (or should be) a trivial extension.
> You seem to want to extend Racket with a define/test construct.
> I propose to think of this as as syntactic extension of Racket.
> Let me start by arguing against thinking of this as a new language.
> See my line of reasoning at the end of the message. I didn't want
> to pollute the interior of the message with all this code.
>> Thank you for listening :-)
> Listening to you helps us. Thanks for speaking up. -- Matthias
> GOAL: Let's say we wish to be able to write
> (define/test (add-one x)
>    (tests (check-equal? (add-one 1) 2)
>           (check-equal? (add-one -1) 0)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 3)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 4))
>    ;; -- IN --
>    (+ x 1))
> because we believe in self-documentation of functions via tests.
> Viva la design recipe.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> STEP 1: write a syntax rule
> #lang racket
> (define-syntax-rule
>    (define/test (f x ...) (tests t ...) e ...)
>    (begin
>      (module+ test
>        (require rackunit) ;; we usually need rackunit for the t ...
>        t ...)
>      (define (f x ...) e ...)))
> ;; --- program proper ---
> (define/test (add-one x)
>    (tests (check-equal? (add-one 1) 2)
>           (check-equal? (add-one -1) 0)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 3)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 4))
>    (+ x 1))
> DrRacket immediately shows that this fails with
>> check-equal?: unbound identifier in module in: check-equal?
> Why? HYGIENE says that the "t ... " part comes from the source,
> the require part injects new bindings from somewhere else, so we need
> to protect them from each other.
> Here is one way to justify this answer. You really may wish to
> make define/test orthogonal to which testing framework you use:
>   -- rackunit
>   -- test engine
>   -- the Eli tester
> You say: BOGUS. I just want check-equal? to be bound.
> But the fix is easy.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> STEP 2: write a syntax rule and bind check-equal? in the source
> #lang racket
> (define-syntax-rule
>    (define/test (f x ...) (tests t ...) e ...)
>    (begin
>      (module+ test
>        t ...)
>      (define (f x ...) e ...)))
> ;; --- program proper ---
> (module+ test
>    (require rackunit))
> (define/test (add-one x)
>    (tests (check-equal? (add-one 1) 2)
>           (check-equal? (add-one -1) 0)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 3)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 4))
>    (+ x 1))
> And indeed, if you mouse over rackunit, DrRacket says that it
> binds all four occurrences of check-equal? -- which is what it
> should do.
> RUN. The fourth test fails, and drracket locates the failed test.
> Things work the way they should.
> Ah you say, but I want to provide this construct via a project-wide
> library. Okay, let's split this file into two pieces.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> STEP 3: write a syntax rule in a separate library, provide it
> ---------------------------------------------------
> #lang racket
> (provide
>   ;; syntax: define/test
>   ;; (define/test (f x ...) (tests t ...) e ...)
>   ;; expands to a combination of two items:
>   ;; -- the function (define (f x ...) e ...)
>   ;; -- tests t ... in submodule test
>   define/test)
> ;; ------------------------------------------------
> ;; implementation
> (define-syntax-rule
>    (define/test (f x ...) (tests t ...) e ...)
>    (begin
>      (module+ test
>        t ...)
>      (define (f x ...) e ...)))
> ---------------------------------------------------
> #lang racket
> (require "test-define.rkt")
> (module+ test
>    (require rackunit))
> (define/test (add-one x)
>    (tests (check-equal? (add-one 1) 2)
>           (check-equal? (add-one -1) 0)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 3)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 4))
>    (+ x 1))
> Works like a charm. We have created a well-documented,
> project-wide library that does what we want.
> Now you may object to a repeated syntactic pattern:
>   ** every time you import 'test-define.rkt', you also
>      need to write (module+ test (require rackunit)).
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> STEP 4: write a syntax rule in a separate library, provide it
> ---------------------------------------------------
> #lang racket
> (require rackunit)
> (provide
>   (all-from-out rackunit)
>   ;; ------------------------------------------
>   ;; syntax: define/test
>   ;; (define/test (f x ...) (tests t ...) e ...)
>   ;; expands to a combination of two items:
>   ;; -- the function (define (f x ...) e ...)
>   ;; -- tests t ... in submodule test
>   define/test)
> ;; ------------------------------------------------
> ;; implementation
> (define-syntax-rule
>    (define/test (f x ...) (tests t ...) e ...)
>    (begin
>      (module+ test
>        t ...)
>      (define (f x ...) e ...)))
> ---------------------------------------------------
> #lang racket
> (require "test-define.rkt")
> (define/test (add-one x)
>    (tests (check-equal? (add-one 1) 2)
>           (check-equal? (add-one -1) 0)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 3)
>           (check-equal? (add-one 2) 4))
>    (+ x 1))
> Now this one is even more charming:
>   1. we have a syntax library
>   2. we have no pattern left;
> 	the library takes care of it all
> Is there an objection left? I could see that you may wish to
> argue that the all-from-out pollutes the entire module scope
> with the bindings from rackunit. You really just waned those
> in the test submodule.
> Here is my reply: I think the objection is not well-founded.
> When I see software engineering problems with this "pollution",
> I will believe it and I will work out a solution.
> PRINCIPLE: stick to syntactic extensions until you really really
> need new languages. Keep new languages rare.
> IF I found such a software engineering reason, I would try to
> figure out how to solve it w/o resorting to a new language.
> Let us know what you think up to this point.
> ____________________
>    Racket Users list:
>    http://lists.racket-lang.org/users

Tim Brown <tim.brown at cityc.co.uk>  | City Computing Limited            |
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