[racket] Web server dispatch-rules! bug?

From: Scott Klarenbach (scott at pointyhat.ca)
Date: Wed Jan 16 15:28:42 EST 2013

I'm unable to provide the optional #:method keyword argument when using the
dispatch-rules! function (imperative style).  It works fine in the other

So, for example:

(define-values (main main-url)
    [("create" "something") #:method "post" (lambda (request)

;; works fine, but

(define-container controller (main main-url))
(dispatch-rules! controller [("create" "something") #:method "post" (lambda
(request) (do-something))])

;; fails: dispatch-rules! does not match pattern.

Omitting the #:method param works fine in the second example.


Talk to you soon,

Scott Klarenbach

PointyHat Software Corp.
p 604-568-4280
e scott at pointyhat.ca
#308 - 55 Water St.
Vancouver, BC V6B1A1

To iterate is human; to recur, divine
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