[racket] Full command line arguments

From: Nikolaus Klepp (dr.klepp at gmx.at)
Date: Wed Jan 16 14:20:55 EST 2013

Am Mittwoch, 16. Januar 2013 schrieb Tony Garnock-Jones:
> On 01/15/2013 05:40 AM, Laurent wrote:
> > The purpose is to be able to relaunch the process.
> Another approach might be to create an outer wrapper which builds a
> nested namespace, custodian etc, within which your program is
> dynamic-required.
> That way, you can signal to the wrapper to destroy the running custodian
> and start afresh without having to exit or restart the unix process
> itself. A little like servlet reloading.
> This would work cross-platform and in both DrRacket and Racket, I imagine.
> Regards,
>    Tony
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If you are on some unix-like OS you could use /proc/self/cmdline.


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