[racket] using raco setup to create systemwide commands

From: Curtis Dutton (curtdutt at gmail.com)
Date: Wed Jan 16 10:30:29 EST 2013

I'm working on a small utility to help me backup virtual guest disks over
slow links. I'll make an announcement about it once I get it to beta state.

I would really like to make it a one line command to install to the system.

So far I'm able to install it like so....

1. raco link -i /usr/local/guest-lvm-backup
2. raco setup -l guest-lvm-backup
     raco setup creates launchers in the racket install directory named
guest-lvm-backup and guest-lvm-tape

3. I install symbolic links to /usr/local/bin for my commands
guest-lvm-backup and guest-lvm-tape

So my question is.... How do I get raco setup to create the links to the
launchers in /usr/local/bin?

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