[racket] How can I speed up this code?

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hashcollision.org)
Date: Tue Jan 15 18:14:37 EST 2013

>> >> 1.  First, pull all the content of the input port into a string
>> >>     port.  This cut down the runtime from 52 seconds to 45
>> >>     seconds.  (15% improvement)
>> >
>> > I don't think that this is a good idea -- it looks lie a dangerous
>> > assumption for a generic library to do, instead of letting users
>> > decide for themselves if they want to do so and hand the port to
>> > the library.

Wow.   Ok, I see what you mean now, and yeah, my optimization here is
unsound.  I did not know the JSON library behaved in a streaming
manner.  Thanks!

>> When I watch `top` and see how much memory's being used in the
>> original code, I think this is a red herring, for the unoptimized
>> json parser is already consuming around 500MB of ram on J G Cho's
>> 92MB file during the parse.
> Is the *result* 500mb or the memory used while parsing?  If it's the
> former, then that's not the consumption that is increased.  (BTW, if
> most of it is made of strings, then we get the 4x UCS32 factor.)  If
> it's the latter then I'm surprised.

Yeah, the input JSON file is full of string literals from casual
inspection, so I think you're right about the UCS32 explanation.  It's
too bad; I had assumed that Racket used utf-8, since I've seen so many
instances of bytes->string/utf-8 in Racket code.

>> >> 2.  Modified read-list so it avoids using regular expressions when
>> >> simpler peek-char/read-char operations suffice.  Reduced the runtime
>> >> from 45 seconds to 40 seconds.  (12% improvement)
>> >
>> > This is a questionable change, IMO.  The thing is that keeping
>> > things with regexps makes it easy to revise and modify in the
>> > future, but switching to a single character thing makes it hard
>> > and in addition requires the code to know when to use regexps and
>> > when to use a character.  I prefer in this case the code
>> > readability over performance.

Ok, I'll abandon this specific patch for now.

It sounds though that Ray Racine mentioned that his TR-ed version of
the code performs faster than the non-TRed version?  Ray, do you have
that version available somewhere to play with?


I did push master with one change to the JSON library: the replacement
of the non-greedy regexp with the char-complement version.  I also
added several test cases to make sure I got it right.

Thanks again for the review!

Posted on the users mailing list.