[racket] How can I speed up this code?
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Danny Yoo <dyoo at hashcollision.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 2:07 PM, Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:
> > Just now, Danny Yoo wrote:
> >> Also, I have not been able to find the unit tests for the json
> >> library. Does anyone know where they are?
> >
> > They're in the "tests" subdirectory.
> Uh... can you be more specific? I searched for 'json', and the only
> hits I'm seeing are these:
> 128-110-69-116:tests dyoo$ grep -r 'json' *
> db/db/sql-types.rkt: (type-test-case '(json)
> net/mime.rkt:Content-Type: application/json
> net/mime.rkt: (entity-subtype sub) => 'json
> xrepl/xrepl.rkt: -> «,r (only-in json string->jsexpr)» ⇒ works with
> an expression
> xrepl/xrepl.rkt: -> «,en json»
> xrepl/xrepl.rkt: json/main> «,sh echo $F»
> xrepl/xrepl.rkt: @|collects|/json/main.rkt
> xrepl/xrepl.rkt: json/main> «,top»
> so I truthfully do not know where I should be looking. Help! :)
The "tests" subdirectory of the json collection. They're not in the global
tests collection.
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