[racket] How can I speed up this code?
Was checking to see if Python "optimized" with a native 'C' parser. This
seems to imply it does at least in 2.6. I have 2.7.3 in my system.
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 11:12 AM, J G Cho <gcho at fundingmatters.com> wrote:
> Dear performance experts,
> With the news of math library in Racket and the goal of improving my
> data analysis skill, I have started going over the examples in book
> "Python for Data Anyalysis" by McKinney using both Python and Racket.
> Too early to tell which is preferable for me. But I do have one
> "problem" with Racket that I would like to resolve before going on
> further.
> Here is the detail.
> Python:
> First I load the data
> # It looks like this at the top level;
> # structured differently from the example in the book.
> data_set = {
> "meta": {},
> "data": []
> }
> import json
> # read in the json data downloaded from
> #
> https://explore.data.gov/Information-and-Communications/1-USA-gov-Short-Links/wzeq-n5pg
> with open("usagov_bitly_data.json") as f:
> data_set = json.load( f )
> And then I go do the usual slice and dice....
> My work flow is to edit the file and either run it inside Sublime Text
> 2 or ipython --pylab. (v 2.7 via EPD package running on Win 7 on
> fairly new and powerful Dell.) There is a brief pause before I see the
> output in the screen.
> I run the following in DrRacket (v5.3):
> #lang racket
> (require json)
> (define data-set
> (call-with-input-file "usagov_bitly_data.json"
> (lambda (in)
> (read-json in))))
> It takes sometime (more than a few sips of tea) where edit-run cycle
> is not workable.
> I initially thought maybe the json library was the cause and tried
> writing the parsed data out as .sexp and then reading that in. It did
> not resolve the speed issue for me. I now work with a smaller subset
> of data when I work with Racket.
> Any suggestions?
> jGc
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