[racket] Recompile and restart
Hem, here's a probably more multi-platform and general version (and one
that I can edit on pastebin):
It's now using `syntax-source-module' for the file path, but I'm not sure
how much I can rely on it, and it's also using
(find-executable-path (find-system-path 'exec-file))
to be able to run the file independently of its name, and here too I'm not
sure if it will work as needed all the time.
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Laurent <laurent.orseau at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here's a funny little piece of code:
> http://pastebin.com/G9BG9v7j
> When you click on the button, it appends an instruction at the end of the
> file, recompiles itself, closes itself and restarts itself with the new
> program.
> To run in the console (won't work inside DrRacket).
> Since I'm most probably going to use a similar code in a project, if
> anyone has comments on how to do things better, I'm all ears.
> In particular:
> - Is there a risk of memory leak somewhere with that kind of code?
> - Is there a context in which this code may break?
> - I'm not sure about the ports with `subprocess'. The docs say they must
> be closed, but since I'm using the current ones, I thought probably not.
> - Is `subprocess' good enough for the job? Or do I need to invoke a more
> low level fork?
> - It uses getpid from mzlib/os, which is deprecated. Is there a
> replacement for that? Will mzlib/os be removed in the future? (and so
> should I copy the relevant code into my project?)
> Any other comment is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Laurent
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