[racket] Question about syntax splicing and formatting of the resulting code body
On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 6:36 AM, Grant Rettke <grettke at acm.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have the goal of inserting some Jess (http://herzberg.ca.sandia.gov/)
> code inside of a Scribble interaction environment (eventually I will have a
> language to evaluate this but I'm not there yet). Here is the relevant part
> of the code I have to do that:
> #lang racket
> (define (my-read-syntax src in)
> (define path-ls (get-path in))
> (define path (list->string path-ls))
> (define fis (open-input-file #:mode 'text path))
> (define datums (let loop ()
> (let* ((datum (read fis)))
> (cond ((eof-object? datum) empty)
> (else (cons datum (loop)))))))
> (close-input-port fis)
> (datum->syntax #f datums))
Hi Grant,
Can you use read-syntax instead of read? The problem with read is that it
returns plain s-expressions with no location information, and as soon as
we've done that, we've lost. read-syntax should preserve the locations
that you want.
By the way, there's a nice utility in the port->list function of the
racket/port library that does much of the inner loop in your code above.
You can also use the port-next-location to see how much into the stream
we've read till we hit eof, just in case that sort of thing is useful.
Here's a revision of the code to demonstrate:
#lang racket/base
(require racket/port)
(define (my-read-syntax src in)
(define path-ls (get-path in))
(define path (list->string path-ls))
(define fis (open-input-file #:mode 'text path))
(port-count-lines! fis)
(define-values (start-line start-column start-position)
(port-next-location fis))
(define datums (port->list (lambda (port) (read-syntax path port)) fis))
(define-values (end-line end-column end-position) (port-next-location
(datum->syntax #f datums (list path start-line start-column
(if (and (number? start-position)
(number? end-position))
(- end-position start-position)
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