[racket] Installing a reader macro in Scribble
I have a first goal of loading a file into an @interaction block in
side of Scribble.
The language to evaluate those values is another story, I just want to
get the contents of a file in there. Here is what I have done:
; the file to load
; cat 04-02.clp
(watch all)
(defrule do-anything
"A rule for anything."
?ne <- (anything)
(printout t "Someone did something.")
(retract ?ne))
(assert (anything))
; the reader macro
; cat 06-04.rkt
#lang racket
(require racket/port)
(provide read read-syntax)
(define (read in) (work in))
(define (read-syntax src in) (work in))
(define (work in)
(let* ((path (first (port->lines in)))
(in (open-input-file path #:mode 'text)))
(port->string in)))
; a sample program that works
cat 06-04a.rkt
#lang racket
; a scribble that does not work
cat 06-05.scrbl
#lang scribble/manual
@title{Basic Scribble External Eval}
@(require scribble/eval
@(define my-evaluator
(parameterize ([sandbox-output 'string]
[sandbox-error-output 'string])
(make-evaluator 'racket)))
(display "Hello, world.")]
;; end
I do need to load that file into the @interaction block, but didn't
set it up yet not to lose the closing square paren.
Scribble just renders
"#reader"06-04.rkt"/home/gcr/racket-external-eval/04-02.clp" instead
of doing what it did in Racket.
I suppose Scribble has it's own reader macros (or read table?) to work
how it does.
How may I get this macro working inside of Scribble?