[racket] Randomized bisimulation tests and Metropolis-Hastings random walk
MCMC with Gibbs Sampling and MH for straightforward stuff is
straightforward, but the subtitles of underflow, use log space or not etc
are something you guys know quite a bit more about than I do.
FWIW, a few months ago I was doing some custom Racket coded for
straightforward Gibbs (mainly) and MH in one case for customer related data
analysis, but the water gets deep quickly beyond the straightforward, and
one quickly questions the validity of their custom sampler against
considerations of a proven MCMC library. I did a brief amount research on
the current state of things with regards to WinBugs, OpenBugs, Jags, ...
After a quick overview, I sort of narrowed things down to a relatively new
arrival, STAN. https://code.google.com/p/stan/
It's a new rewrite, based on a new sampling algorithm variation
where existent libraries are getting long in the tooth. It generates the
sampling code rather then interprets BUGS DSL code and claims to take some
pains to support FFI binding (R of course) and embedding.
Just wanted to mention STAN if you haven't run across it yet, as opposed
to well know standby MCMC libs.
One day ... an FFI Racket <-> STAN would be very cool.
On Jan 4, 2013 4:47 PM, "Neil Toronto" <neil.toronto at gmail.com> wrote:
> I get excited about applying statistics to programming. Here's something
> exciting I found today.
> I'm working on a Typed Racket implementation of Chris Okasaki's purely
> functional random-access lists, which are O(1) for `cons', `first' and
> `rest', and basically O(log(n)) for random access. I wanted solid
> randomized tests, and I figured the best way would be bisimulation: do
> exactly the same, random thing to a (Listof Integer) and an (RAList
> Integer), then ensure the lists are the same. Iterate N times, each time
> using the altered lists for the next bisimulation step.
> There's a problem with this, though: the test runtimes are all over the
> place for any fixed N, and are especially wild with large N. Sometimes it
> first does a bunch of `cons' operations in a row. Because each bisimulation
> step is O(n) in the list length (to check equality), this makes the
> remaining steps very slow. Sometimes it follows up with a bunch of `rest'
> operations, which makes the remaining steps very fast.
> More precisely, random bisimulation does a "simple random walk" over test
> list lengths, where `cons' is a step from n to n+1 and `rest' is a step
> from n to n-1. Unfortunately, the n's stepped on in a simple random walk
> have no fixed probability distribution, and thus no fixed average or
> variance. That means each bisimulation step has no fixed average runtime or
> fixed variation in runtime. Wildness ensues.
> One possible solution is to generate fresh test lists from a fixed
> distribution, for each bisimulation step. This is a bad solution, though,
> because I want to see whether RAList instances behave correctly *over time*
> as they're operated on.
> The right solution is to use a Metropolis-Hastings random walk instead of
> a simple random walk, to sample list lengths from a fixed distribution.
> Then, the list lengths will have a fixed average, meaning that each
> bisimulation step will have a fixed average runtime, and my overall average
> test runtime will be O(N) instead of wild and crazy.
> First, I choose a distribution. The geometric family is good because list
> lengths are nonnegative. Geometric with p = 0.05 means list lengths should
> be (1-p)/p = 19 on average, but are empty with probability 0.05 and very
> large with very low probability.
> So I add these two lines:
> (require math/distributions)
> (define length-dist (geometric-dist 0.05))
> In a Metropolis-Hastings random walk, you step from n to n' with
> probability min(1,P(n')/P(n)); this is called "accepting" the step.
> Otherwise, you "reject" the step by staying in the same spot. Adding this
> new test takes only two defines and a `cond':
> (define r (random 5)) ; Randomly choose an operation
> (cond
> [(= r 0)
> ;; New! Only cons with probability P(n+1)/P(n)
> (define n (length lst))
> (define accept (/ (pdf length-dist (+ n 1))
> (pdf length-dist n)))
> (cond [((random) . < . accept)
> .... Accept: cons and ensure continued equality ....]
> [else
> .... Reject: return the same lists ....])]
> [(= r 1)
> .... Accept: `rest' each list and ensure continued equality ....]
> .... Other random operations ....)
> I left off the acceptance test for `rest' because P(n-1) > P(n) ==>
> P(n-1)/P(n) > 1, so the test would always pass. (This is because the
> geometric distribution's pdf is monotone. If I had chosen a Poisson
> distribution, which has a bump in the middle, I'd have to do the acceptance
> test for both `cons' and `rest'.)
> I instrument the test loop to record list lengths, verify that their mean
> is about 19, and do some density plots vs. the geometric distribution. It
> all looks good: the randomized bisimulation test does indeed operate on
> lists whose length is distributed Geometric(0.05), so the overall average
> test runtime is O(N), and it still tests them as they're operated on over
> time.
> Neil ⊥
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