[racket] Overriding methods in Racket classes
Dear list members,
In Racket is it possible to override a non-public method?
For example in the Racket Guide section 13 and 13.1 it gives this example:
(class object%
(init size) ; initialization argument
(define current-size size) ; field
(super-new) ; superclass initialization
(define/public (get-size)
(define/public (grow amt)
(set! current-size (+ amt current-size)))
(define/public (eat other-fish)
(grow (send other-fish get-size))))
. . .
. . .
(define picky-fish% (class fish% (super-new)
(define/override (grow amt)
(super grow (* 3/4 amt)))))
which works fine but some entity can still tell a fish to "grow"
outside the context of telling it to "eat" another fish.
Apologies if I've missed something obvious but I've just started going
through the Classes and Objects documentation. I can see where you
can declare a method public and overridable, or public and not
overridable, but I don't see a declaration for a method to be private
to the outside world but public and overridable to its sub-classes.
Harry Spier