[racket] Onlisp's condlet macro in Racket

From: Sean Kanaley (skanaley at gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jan 1 17:59:21 EST 2013

While I've ultimately succeeded in having it return the correct output for
a sample input, I'm not positive it's correct in general and I *am *positive
it's written poorly, as I don't fully understand both syntax-case and
syntax objects vs. datums.  If someone could look it over and provide a
more canonical version, I would be grateful.

Here's how the macro works:

> (condlet (((= 1 2) (x (princ ’a)) (y (princ ’b)))
            ((= 1 1) (y (princ ’c)) (x (princ ’d)))
            (t (x (princ ’e)) (z (princ ’f))))
    (list x y z))
(D C NIL)*

Before I post the horrible racket code, I will explain the problems I'm
having with macros in general:

Problem 1, separate phases:  I have a remove-duplicates-by function that
would be great to have globally, but it seemingly must be written locally.

Problem 2: You can't use a pattern variable outside of a pattern, so you
have to syntax-ify it with #', but then you can't access the associated
s-exp without removing the syntax.  The way to bind things to null by
default is to get every id and output the obvious let statement, except ids
might be repeated so you have to remove duplicates (enter problem 1).  It's
remove-duplicates-BY because the removal happens by syntax->datum'ing each
identifier-syntax-thing since it can't appear outside of a pattern.

Problem 2: How to remove a portion of the macro code into a separate
transformer function?  It's kind of annoying having a whole block of code
relegated to cleaning up the duplicate ids inside of the let it expands
into.  That would ideally be written "let #,(remove-dups #'(c cs...))" or
similar...some kind of sub-macro to handle just getting ids.  I thought
that's what let-syntax or nested define syntaxes were for but I get phase
errors or preposterous, very dark errors like "lambda not bound".  Suddenly
I prefer Haskell's *a is not an infinitely existential StateT (Bool -> IO
(StateT (Cont String) (Cont String) ())) Maybe (a1,a1'), in subexpression f
. g*.  Oh, f <$> g.  *everything checks out now!  *Thanks, ghci, and by the
way go **** yourself you stupid Cont.

Anywayyyyy here is my code that works for the above example at least:

(define-syntax (condlet s)
  (let ((remove-duplicates-by
         (λ (f l) (let R ((l l))
                    (if (null? l)
                        (cons (car l) (R (remove* (list (car l))
                                                  (cdr l)
                                                  (λ (a b)
                                                    (eq? (f a) (f
    (syntax-case s ()
      ((_ (c) body ...)
       (syntax-case #'c (else)
         ((else binds ...)
          #'(let (binds ...) body ...))
         ((t binds ...)
          #'(if t (let (binds ...) body ...) (void)))))
      ((_ (c cs ...) body ...)
       (syntax-case #'c ()
         ((t binds ...)
          #`(let #,(syntax-case #'(c cs ...) ()
                     (((_ (i _) ...) ...)
                      (map (λ (i) #`(#,i null))
                            (syntax->list #'(i ... ...))))))
              (if t
                  (let (binds ...) body ...)
                  (condlet (cs ...) body ...)))))))))

Any help is appreciated.
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