[racket] looking for a simple ssh library.

From: Michael Wilber (mwilber at uccs.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 28 13:22:12 EST 2013

Oh geez, that's a very good point. Thanks for catching that before
an attacker does, Eli.

Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> writes:
> 30 minutes ago, Michael Wilber wrote:
>> I know it's a hack but for my needs, I just spawn a synchronous ssh
>> process, like this:
>> (define (get-remote-file file)
>>   (define success? #t)
>>   (define remote-bytes
>>     (with-output-to-bytes
>>      (λ() (set! success?
>>                 (system (format "ssh machinename cat ~a" file))))))
>>   (and success? remote-bytes))
> (`system' should almost never be used in public code...  Imagine
> someone using the above code and dealing with the consequences of file
> names like "foo; rm -rf ~".)
> --
>           ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
>                     http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!

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