[racket] TR Optional Keyword N-Ary Quantum Probabilistic Arg Support
Just kidding about support for quantum probabilistic args. But *wow*
totally sweet that the below is (so far!!) working nicely. Things are
really getting nailed down and tied off. Love it. Keep up the good work
TR folk.
(require/typed racket/format
(~a (String *
[#:separator String ]
[#:width Natural]
[#:max-width Natural]
[#:min-width Natural]
[#:limit-marker String]
[#:align (U 'left 'right 'center)]
[#:pad-string String]
[#:left-pad-string String]
[#:right-pad-string String]
-> String)))
(: main (-> String))
(define (main)
(~a "north" "by" "north-west" #:separator " "))
"north by north-west"
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