[racket] Bug in racket/unit?

From: Patrick Mahoney (paddy.mahoney at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Feb 23 02:15:01 EST 2013

Hello All,

I'm working on updating the browser collection to Racket, and think that
I'm running into a racket/unit bug.

The error message:
define-unit/new-import-export: identifier exn:file-saved-instead1 is not
present in old exports in: (define-unit/new-import-export browser@ (import
setup:plt-installer^ mred^ url^) (export browser^) ((hyper^ html-export^
bullet-export^) pre-browser@ setup:plt-installer^ mred^ url^))

The hyper^ signature containing the identifier in question can be found in
>notice that the identifier is named exn:file-saved-instead1, without the
1-racket/unit appears to be adding the 1 to the signature element.

The actual unit containing the exn:file-saved-instead identifier is
exported from
>notice that there is a struct definition
(struct exn:file-saved-instead exn (pathname))

Thought it might be due to http://tinyurl.com/bzunnf3, but this does not
look to be the case-implementing Tobin-Hochstadt's workaround doesn't seem
to correct the bug.

In order to see the bug, run the following in your shell, in a working
mkdir bug-racket
cd bug-racket
git clone git at github.com:paddymahoney/racket.git
cd racket
git checkout browser-to-racket
cd src
mkdir build
cd build
make install
cd ../..
bin/drracket collects/browser/browser-unit.rkt

or download the http://pastebin.com/PeV4AsYi , make executable and run.

> ignore the make install errors, and the errors upon opening
drracket-well, the make install errors are due to the problem in
browser-unit.rkt, but the tool errors seem to be occurring because the
browser collection has errors.

Can someone with knowledge of racket/unit help me here? I have time sunk
into this update, and I would like to find the underlying bug, whether it
is my fault, or a workaround.

Thanks all,
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