[racket] raco setup and compile-collection-zos

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 20 09:06:46 EST 2013

The problem is that DrRacket sets various other parameters that affect
compilation --- so that the programs you run within DrRacket get
automatically compiled, for example.

It's possible that things used to work back before `Populate "compiled"
directories' was on by default in DrRacket, and turning off that option
in the language dialog may make things work for you.

More generally, I don't think we've figured out the right way to make
different compilation and debugging systems stay out of each others'

At Sat, 16 Feb 2013 18:27:17 +0100, Laurent wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried `compile-collection-zos' as a programmatic equivalent to raco setup
> on a given lib, but it seems there are some differences.
> In particular, if PLTCOMPILEDROOTS is set, raco setup recompiles only the
> specified lib, but `compile-collection-zos' tries to recompile all of
> Racket.
> For example, say I have a personal collection "a".
> From within DrRacket, if I do:
> (require compiler/compiler)
> (compile-collection-zos "a")
> it will try to recompile the whole Racket tree (but fails because it
> doesn't have permission to create the directory "compiled/drracket")
> It is strange, because I think it did not have this behavior in some
> earlier version (maybe 5.3.1?).
> So, question: Is there a programmatic equivalent to raco setup for
> collections, that won't try to recompile all of Racket?
> Laurent
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