[racket] Local form in typed racket
It would be very helpful to me to have an example of the "local" form for
defining an internal function in typed racket. I've read and re-read the
docs and can't seem to figure it out from the syntax definition.
Here's what i've been trying:
(: make-random-emetype-list (Range -> (Listof EmeType)))
(define (make-random-emetype-list range )
(local ([define how-many-types (random-integer (Range-lower range)
(Range-upper range))]
[define: (bld-lst lst remaining) : ((Listof EmeType) Integer ->
(Listof EmeType))
(cond [(< remaining 1) lst]
[else (bld-lst (cons (new-emetype) lst) (- remaining
(bld-lst '() how-many-types)))
but I get an error on this: "define:: expected the identifier `:' in:
((Listof EmeType) Integer -> (Listof EmeType))"
Thanks for the help!
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