[racket] racket/db: fetching multiple rows with multiple columns in a "for" loop
Suppose I have the following code:
(define conn (sqlite3-connect #:database "mydb.db" ))
(for (((x y) (in-query c "SELECT X, Y FROM DATA")))
(displayln x) (displayln y))
in-query returns a sequence that gives two values
at one call, and the "for" loop binds those values
to x and y respectively, and everything works fine.
Suppose then that I use an SELECT statement instrumented
in runtime, and that I do not know beforehand how many
values am I selecting. How do I get a list or a vector
of my values per each row?
It seems that I can not bind unknown number of
values in a "for" loop, can I?
Ideally, I would like a sequence that returns a list
(or a vector) of column values at each call.
query-row is close to what I need, but it can be used
only if I have only one row, so no sequence.
Any hints will be much appreciated.
Best regards,