[racket] Racket v5.3.2

From: Joe Gilray (jgilray at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Feb 2 17:59:03 EST 2013


Since starting with 5.3.2 I've seen two DrDracket crashes (Windows7 - 64
bit).  Hard to determine the cause in both case I believe I had just
clicked in the definitions pane when it hung and Windows told me that
DrRacket was not responding.

I have spent about 4 hours in DrRacket, so the crashes are somewhat rare,
although I didn't see any in 5.3.1.


On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 8:20 PM, Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:

> Racket version 5.3.2 is now available from
>   http://racket-lang.org/
> Core Libraries:
> * The new `math' library provides functions and data structures for
>   working with numbers and collections of numbers.  Functions
>   include non-elementary (such as gamma, zeta, Lambert's W),
>   number-theoretic (factorization, modular arithmetic), linear
>   algebra (arithmetic, decompositions), and statistical (expected
>   values, order statistics, binning).  Data structures include
>   arbitrary-precision bigfloats, probability distributions, and
>   multidimensional arrays.
> * The new `file/untar', `file/untgz', and `file/unzip' libraries
>   support unpacking widely used archive formats.
> * The new `lazy-require' form allows programs to delay the loading
>   and instantiation of helper modules until they are needed.
> * The new `data/bit-vector' library provides an implementation of
>   bit vectors (a mutable sequence of booleans) supporting popcount.
> * The `racket/generic' library allows the specification of default
>   method implementations for core datatypes.
> * The `openssl' library can verify hostnames and use the operating
>   system's certificate store to verify certificates.
> Package System:
> * A new package system is in beta release.  This system will become
>   Planet's successor.  It differs significantly from the latter.
>   For details, please read the documentation at
>   http://docs.racket-lang.org/planet2/ and list your packages on the
>   new index at https://pkg.racket-lang.org/.
> * The `raco test' command supports testing by collection and
>   package, in addition to by directory and file, with the "-c" and
>   "-p" options.
> Teaching Libraries:
> * batch-io: the read and write functions work on Unix-style standard
>   input and output.
> DrRacket:
> * DrRacket's GUI is more responsive.
> * The automatic parenthesis insertion mode is improved.
> Scribble:
> * Scribble renders Markdown format files via the "--markdown"
>   command-line flag.  Example use case: Generate documentation
>   hosted on GitHub or BitBucket.
> * Documentation cross-reference information is stored in an SQLite3
>   database, which means that SQLite3 is required for building Racket
>   documentation on Unix/Linux machines (but SQLite3 is included in
>   Racket distributions for Windows and Mac OS X).
>   Using a database for cross-reference information significantly
>   reduces the initial footprint of DrRacket, since DrRacket no
>   longer needs to load all cross-reference information.
> Typed Racket:
> * Typed Racket programs can require `plot/typed' to draw plots.
>   List- and vector-accepting functions accept general sequences.
> * Typed Racket supports Racket's delimited continuation and
>   continuation mark operators.
> Redex:
> * Added more support for `define-judgment-form', including random
>   generation for well-formed judgments and visualization of
>   judgments.
> Deprecation:
> The following have been removed in this release:
> * the `planet' command-line tool; use `raco planet' instead.
> The following has been deprecated and will be removed in the August
> 2013 release:
> * the `mzlib/class100' library; use `racket/class' instead.
> Feedback Welcome,
> --
>           ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
>                     http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!
> ____________________
>   Racket Users list:
>   http://lists.racket-lang.org/users
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