[racket] Worried about the new package manager not storing each version of a package

From: Lawrence Woodman (lwoodman at vlifesystems.com)
Date: Tue Aug 27 15:46:49 EDT 2013

On 08/27/13 12:34, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
> I think the right approach to running multiple Racket applications at 
> once that all rely on packages that might conflict is to use multiple 
> installations of Racket. Then you can install packages 
> installation-wide and not have them conflict.
> This is, I think, quite similar to the way people deploy Ruby 
> applications with something like rvm or Python applications with pyenv.

Sorry, when I said multiple Racket applications, I meant multiple 
applications written in racket.  E.g  If I had a web scraper/site 
monitor running constantly as well as a music manager.  They both use a 
html package, but need different versions of this package. Having 
multiple installations of Racket would certainly be an option, but what 
a horrible one.

I can't say how Python would manage this, but in Ruby if the gems and 
application weren't specific enough about which versions of the gems to 
use for each app, I could at least specify the exact versions through 
something like bundler and run the apps using 'bundle exec', which would 
run it using the packages specified.


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