[racket] help: how to define serializable classes with contracts attached

From: Christopher (ultimatemacfanatic at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Aug 16 12:16:22 EDT 2013

Hello all.

I have become quite in the habit of using the following:

	(define/contract id
	    class-contract-clause ... ) 
	  (class* superclass-expr ()
	    class-clause ... ))

Now I need to be able to make a whole slew of my classes serializable. From Racket Reference, it looks like my only option is to use the "define-serializable-class*" syntax:

(define-serializable-class* class-id superclass-expr
                                     (interface-expr ...)
  class-clause ...)

I don't see how I can attach class contracts to my classes if I use this, but having class contracts is really import to me to catch bugs.

Can anyone tell me if there is a way to define serializable classes that still have contracts attached to them?


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