[racket] define-values/invoke-unit not working when generated by a macro
I am attempting to write a macro to clean up the use
of define-values/invoke-unit and finding some confusing behavior.
My macros module is:
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-signature dog^
(define mutt@
(export dog^)
(define (woof) (printf "Wuf !!\n"))
(define (bark) (printf "RarRarRar !!\n"))))
(define-syntax use-dog
(syntax-rules ()
([_ dog-unit]
(define-values/invoke-unit dog-unit
(export dog^)))))
..and the module using it is:
#lang racket
(require "macros.rkt")
(define-values/invoke-unit mutt@
(export dog^))
(use-dog mutt@)
I am trying to make the "use-dog" macro expand to the equivalent
define-values/invoke-unit form as shown.
If I comment out the define-value/invoke-unit form I get warning about
unbound identifier woof - implying that the (use-dog dog^) form is not
doing the job. Moreover, the second module as it stands does not give a
warning about duplicate definitions for woof or bark (as it does if I
duplicate the define-values/invoke-unit form) - further indicating the
non-action of use-dog.
The macro stepper shows use-dog expand exactly as expected, but it then
seems to be ignored without any warnings.
Is there something I am misunderstanding here, or is this a bug ?
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